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Harish Hande Rourkela
Harish Hande (A Rourkelite) He is an Indian social entrepreneur, who co-founded SELCO India in 1995. SELCO India is a social enterprise that provides sustainable energy services to the poor in India. He was awarded with Asia's prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award for 2011, also sometimes referred to as Asia's Nobel Prize, for “his pragmatic efforts to put solar power technology in the hands of the poor, through his social enterprise SELCO India”. in June 2008, India Today named him one of the 50 pioneers of change in India. He raised in Rourkela, He has completed his basic studies in Ispat English Medium School, Rourkela.All the best Sir for your Future plannings.

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Harish Hande - JEWEL OF ROURKELA Reviewed by RourkelaTips on 15:45:00 Rating: 5
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