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Phailin effects In Orissa

A heavy disaster situation obtained after the Cyclone "Phailin", Which destroyed the Odisha Coast and the nearest area.The areas got maximum damages are Gopalpur, Berhampur, Paradip, Puri, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar and many adjacent locations.People lost their house, still many areas have disconnected from transportation, electricity, communication and also there is heavy loss of property.Here we have shared few photographs got from different places after the Giant Phailin.

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Phailin effect Phailin effect in odisha Phailin effect in orissa Phailin hit Podampeta village cyclone damaged petrol station in Berhampur damaged house after Cyclone Phailin hit Gopalpur damaged house in the cyclone overturned vehicle after Cyclone Phailin A truck is seen submerged in the water after Cyclone army vehicles and ambulances are loaded onto the Indian Air Force's latest strategic transport aircraft Cyclone effect Villagers sit in an auto rickshaw as they return to their villages after Cyclone Phailin People sit on the roof of a house after Cyclone Phailin Disaster after cyclone Phailin inside view of Berhampur railway station after phailin Disaster view of Berhampur Mobile tower breaking down after cyclone
Phailin effects In Orissa Reviewed by RourkelaTips on 03:10:00 Rating: 5
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