Best Pictures Of Durga Puja Celebration 2015
Hello Rourkelites, hope all of you are doing well.Lets come to the point like last three year this year also RourkelaTips Team tried their best dedication and Effort to show you the best Durga Puja Pictures in the City.As every time we have promised to give you something different to see, that you have never seen before.This time also RTips thought of doing something different.We sent our Photographer to many Puja Pandals in Four Different Groups to take Pictures, so that we can take maximum good pictures and its like finding the best from the good pictures of Idol and Puja Pandals as well as the beautiful surrounding moments.Competition is always good, if taken in positive way...Agree Friends?You will get same pandal picture 2 or 3 times (competition among our photographers you know !!) and on a serious note Kindly don't confuse with the height of all pandals, This time pictures are taken from 15 foot height and also we have added one more interesting way to see All Pandals in Aerial shot.
Best Pictures Of Durga Puja Celebration 2015
Reviewed by RourkelaTips