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Smart city Awareness Camp by Rourkela TIPS & RYF

Smart city Awareness Camp by Rourkela TIPS & Rourkela Youth Forum. To rectify the mistakes we had done at the time of Smart City challenge first phase, we decided to submit the ideas of citizen of Rourkela from different computers and different locations as central govt had cut our marks for submitting from the same IP address (same computers) last time We called all govt. officials and computer institute's owners/managers for an awareness camp, where we made them understand the procedure of submitting their ideas and how they can aware their students or colleagues about this. second phase challenge round is already over, but as many asked us why we didn't involve in 2nd round (as we had not posted any picture earlier), we thought its better to post these picture to let people know this time we were much more involved than last time challenge. More pics of different activities coming soon.
Rourkela TIPS

Smart city Awareness Camp by Rourkela TIPS & RYF Reviewed by RourkelaTips on 09:39:00 Rating: 5
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