Rourkela TIPS Online Media Partner of International Student Meet 2016
We are happy to announce that Rourkela TIPS is the Online Media Partner of International Student Meet 2016 (National Institute of Technology, Rourkela) . International Student Meet is a platform for students across the globe to interact with NITRians, sharing cultural insights and technological advances as well as competing to prove their might. ISM as a fest has fashioned its image as a leading college fest in India. It’s consistent success can be attributed to the unique and evolutionary nature of the fest. Each year, the fest is modelled around a theme which resounds the emotion of the various cultures that come together during the fest. The fest tries to trigger radical thinking and invigorate the fresh minds to break traditions and carve out a path of their own.
Here are the Schedule Date of International Students Meet 2016, NITR
Rourkela TIPS Online Media Partner of International Student Meet 2016
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