RT Buzz


Winner of The Best Photography Of The Week ( 24th-30th June,2013 )

Hill Top, Rourkela
Link to Facebook Contest Page
# 1st Position 
# entry no : 6 ( best photography of the week, 24th-30th June, 2013 )
# photography by :A-nuj Samad
# genre : landscape 
| A perfect 6:43 AM — at Hill Top, Rourkela. |

N.B: As per photography and maximum likes we have selected 3 participant out of 6.

Kansbahal Dam rourkela
Link to Facebook Contest Page

# 2nd Position 
# entry no : 2 ( best photography of the week, 24th-30th June, 2013 )
# photography by :Bikram Dalbehera 
# genre : landscape
| beautiful landscape shot taken at Kansbahal Dam rourkela |
N.B: As per photography and maximum likes we have selected 3 participant out of 6.

beautiful landscape in rourkela
Link to Facebook Contest Page
# 3rd Position 
# entry no : 1 ( best photography of the week, 24th-30th June, 2013 )
# photography by :sujay pradhan sujay
# genre : landscape/nature
| beautiful shot taken somewhere around rourkela |

N.B: As per photography and maximum likes we have selected 3 participant out of 6.
Winner of The Best Photography Of The Week ( 24th-30th June,2013 ) Reviewed by RourkelaTips on 08:47:00 Rating: 5
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